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    Irini Kokkinou



    • 博士,心理科学,普渡大学
    • 硕士心理科学,普渡大学
    • 文学士学位、心理学、瓦萨尔学院



    • 文科教授,2010年至今,萨凡纳艺术与设计学院乔治亚州萨凡纳188金宝慱bet亚洲体育官网
    • IUPUI访问助理教授,2008 - 2010年,印第安纳波利斯
    • 研究生导师,2006 - 2007
      教学助理,2002 - 2008年,普渡大学西拉法叶,


    • 外部顾问,2007 - 2010年西拉法叶警察局,西拉斐特


    • 院长奖教学有效性,竹荚鱼,2014 - 2015
    • 总统奖学金,竹荚鱼,2015年
    • 最喜欢的教授,IUPUI, 2008 - 2009;2009 - 2010
    • 心理学系研究格兰特,普渡大学,2008
    • 研究生院科研补助金,普渡大学,2007
    • 荣誉奖获得者,Sigma Xi研究生海报比赛,普渡大学
    • Psi气国家荣誉协会
    • 美国大学优等生荣誉学会


    • 工业和组织心理学学会(然而)成员
    • 心理科学协会(APS)成员



    • Kokkinou,我。“指导女性投入产出:职业变化,干扰,和转换”。Panel discussion and mentoring session, presented at the 32nd annual conference of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Orlando, Fla., 2017.
    • Kokkinou,我。“指导会话对女性投入产出心理学:不寻常的职业道路。”Panel discussion and mentoring session presented at the 31st annual conference of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Anaheim, Calif., 2016.
    • Kokkinou,我。“早期女性投入毕业生的职业机会和陷阱。”Ignite session and panel discussion presented at the 30th annual conference of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Philadelphia, Pa., 2015.
    • Kokkinou,我。“结构太多结构多少钱?教师在指导学生协作的角色。”Paper presented at the 69th annual meeting of the Southeastern College Art Conference, Greensboro, N.C., 2013.
    • Kokkinou,我。艺术与设计”教学组织动力学通过合作项目的学生。”Paper presented at the biennial Foundations in Art: Theory and Education Conference, Savannah, Ga., 2013.
    • m & Kokkinou McKeller,我。“繁殖繁殖:孩子wells的影响。”Poster presented at the IUPUI Center for Research and Learning 2009 Summer Research Poster Symposium, Indianapolis,., 2009.
    • Kokkinou, i &中间人,r S。“企业级的满意度和绩效之间的关系:一个荟萃分析。”Paper presented at the 68th annual meeting of the Academy of Management, Anaheim, Calif., 2008.
    • Kokkinou,我。吴,J。LeBreton, j . M。& Baltes, B, B。“测量不变性三个工作-家庭冲突量表跨性别。”Poster presented at the 23rd annual conference of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, San Francisco, Calif., 2008.
    • Kokkinou,我。“预测应聘者反应的相对重要性多样化政策。”Poster presented at the 22nd annual conference of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, New York, 2007.
    • Kokkinou,我。”结构不变性的NSCW工作-家庭冲突规模跨性别。”Poster presented at the 22nd annual conference of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, New York, 2007.
    • Kokkinou, i &培养,j·B。“申请人反应选择系统:歧视政策和有偏见的测试。”Poster presented at the 21st annual conference of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology Dallas, 2006.
    • Kokkinou,我。& Dalal r S。“感知要求Personality-Contextual绩效关系的中介。”Poster presented at the 21st annual conference of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Dallas, 2006.
    • Jagacinski, c·m·库马尔年代。、& Kokkinou我。“目标取向的影响在寻求挑战。”Poster presented at the 20th annual conference of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Los Angeles, 2005.
    • Jagacinski, c . M。央行,j·L。库马尔,S。林,H。、Bonaccio年代。、& Kokkinou我。“当目标问题:成就目标的预测价值的变化。”Paper presented at the 76th annual conference of the Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago, 2004.